There is a general assumption amongst most that when purchasing household contents insurance, they automatically get cover for all unforeseen accidental events. After all, insurance is meant to cover accidental incidents, right? This may be one of the reasons some have been left feeling hard-done when they presumably submitted valid claims which were subsequently rejected with the reason being “not covered”. This short article is meant to clear the air on the scope of cover in one’s household contents cover.
Generally, household contents cover is mainly meant to indemnify you in the event of any of the unfortunate and unforeseen losses:
- Fire and Allied Perils (The allied perils usually include Storms, Floods, Lightning etc)
- Theft due to forcible, visible, violent entry and exit into the risk address
Most insurance policies have additional coverage such as personal liability, Fridge and freezer contents, Guests’ and domestic employees’ property, Personal documents, Groceries and household goods in transit amongst others.
It should be noted that more-often-than-not insurance policies may require items such as cellphones, laptops, bullion, jewellery to be specified separately on the policy as they are not covered under your household contents. The main reason for there is they are taken away from the place of residence. These are insured under what can be called the “All Risk Items Section” or “Portable Possessions Sections”.
Different insurance policies will offer optional products to your household contents section. In some instances, these optional products are automatically included in your policy at a limited sum insured. They range from a power surge to Accidental Damage extension within a host of much more.
Generally, accidental damage cover is excluded in household contents cover. It is, however, a very important extension to have on your insurance because, though the losses are not that great in value, they tend to be more frequent. An example of incidents that are not covered by your household contents cover but will be indemnified by the accidental damage extension would be when your microwave is accidentally knocked over or a television set is knocked down to the floor whilst tidying up the house. That is why accidental damage cover is offered as an optional product to cater to such fortuitous eventualities.
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